PMQ is the former Police Married Quarters and listed as a Grade III historic building in 2010. It is then revitalised it into a mixed-use venue for creative works and opened to the public 2014.
The PMQ Recruitment Programme aimed to attract talents and young entrepreneurs, in a way to make PMQ a landmark for the creative industries.
PMQ kept two blocks of the former quarters and turned them into shops and galleries. Vincdesign put the features of the original architecture into the visual identity, the blocks. The visual identity is a combination of blocks of various sizes and ratios. Implying talents working together with PMQ to build a community of arts and design. The visual identity shapes the perception and creates an impression through the visible elements of PMQ.
In addition, we used three colours of the RGB colour model for the visual. Red represents shopping, blue represents dining and green is events and programmes. By mix and match of the three elements, we can get unlimited colours. Similarly, by recruiting different talents, we hope PMQ will trigger boundless possibilities in the creative industries.