VVe make a meaningful difference
VincDesign 成立於香港的品牌設計師
VincDesign 是一家位於香港的品牌和設計工作室,專門從事品牌形象和包裝設計。於台灣設有分工作室,我們重視兩地的異同,期望融合兩地的設計師,互助互補,展示出新的設計姿態。我們憑藉在 DFA Awards、Topawards Asia、HKDA Global Design Awards、Communication Arts、International Design Award、Creativity International Awards 和 Muse Creative Awards 等頂級設計比賽中獲獎的傑出作品獲得了業界的高度認可。
在 VincDesign,我們相信品牌不僅僅是一個標誌或口號。它是您公司價值觀、使命和個性的體現。我們的品牌設計方法圍繞著深刻理解客戶的商業目標、價值觀和愿景。我們與客戶緊密合作,開發定制品牌解決方案,以滿足其特定需求。
我們的創始人和創意總監 Vince Cheung 是一位對設計充滿熱情的人,相信品牌和設計具有塑造未來的力量。他致力於創建真正反映企業和個人激情的品牌身份。強調從內而外的方法,Vince 確保一個有意義且獨特的設計,能夠抵擋市場變化。我們的過程涉及將品牌注入商業、文化和創意元素,賦予它們一種迷人的靈魂,引起觀眾共鳴。
DAMA | WOOM | Énorme | theClinic | Airsparks | 謝謝儂 | Hashtag B
The Peninsula Hotel, Regent Hotel, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, Zeiss, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 北京同仁堂, 陳春蘭, 黃珍珍, 謝謝儂, DAMA, PMQ, YOOV, YourHealth, Farmacy, Garmin, Green Peace, Mr.Right, YWCA, Hashtag B
- 2 Winner Awards in ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2024
- Best Design in Online Design Awards 2023
- Grand Award of the Year at the HKDA Hong Kong Designers Association Brand Design Awards 2023
- Awarded silver at the World Brand Design Society Awards 22/23 (Category: Packaging Design Creation)
- Winner of The DFA Design for Asia Awards 2022 (Category: Communicaiton)
- Winner of TOPAWARDS ASIA 2021 (Category: beverage)
- 2 excellence awards in HKDA Global Design Awards 2021 (Category: Graphics)
- Silver Award in Subcategory Logos, Trademarks & Symbols & 2 Bronze Awards in Subcategory Corporate Identity – IDA International Design Award 2020
- Platinum & Gold Awards (Branding & Logo Design) Muse Creative Awards 2019
- Winner – Communication Arts Typography Competition 2018
- Honorable Mention (Trademark Design) – International Design Award 2018
- Bronze Award (Package Design) – 46th Creativity International Awards
- Platinum Award (Trademark Design) – 43rd Creativity International Awards
- Winner – Meritorious website logo design competition by The Television & Entertainment Licensing Authority
Vince Cheung
Founder of VincDesign Branding Co.
Member of Hong Kong Design Association